莫迪总理在印度Shree Swaminarayan寺庙成立200周年之际敦促团结。 Prime Minister Modi urges unity at 200th anniversary of Shree Swaminarayan Temple in India.
印度总理纳伦德拉·莫迪 (Narendra Modi) 在古吉拉特邦瓦塔尔 (Vadtal) 的 Shree Swaminarayan 神庙成立 200 周年纪念日上发表讲话时,强调了到 2047 年印度发展的团结和诚信。 Prime Minister Narendra Modi, addressing the 200th anniversary of the Shree Swaminarayan Temple in Vadtal, Gujarat, emphasized unity and integrity for India’s development by 2047. 他警告那些试图为了个人利益而分裂社会的人,并呼吁公民和 Swaminarayan 教派圣徒团结起来。 He warned against those trying to divide society for personal gains and called on citizens and Swaminarayan sect saints to unite. 印度政府还发行了一枚纪念寺庙周年纪念币。 A commemorative coin marking the temple’s anniversary was also issued by the Indian government.