NVIDIA为游戏员推出新的统一应用程序,提供简化设置和改进的4K记录。 NVIDIA launches new unified app for gamers, offering streamlined settings and improved 4K recording.
NVIDIA 推出了其统一应用程序,合并了 GeForce Experience 和 Control Panel 功能。 NVIDIA has launched its unified app, merging GeForce Experience and Control Panel features. 它简化了驱动程序更新,提供了快速访问设置的途径,并包括微调游戏和程序的工具。 It simplifies driver updates, offers quick access to settings, and includes tools for fine-tuning games and programs. 该应用程序的响应率提高50%,安装速度更快,并采用人工智能过滤器改进了4K 120fps的游戏中记录。 The app is 50% more responsive, installs faster, and introduces improved in-game recording at 4K 120fps with AI-powered filters. 新界面还整合了NVIDIA广播和Canvas, 以方便内容创建任务。 The new interface also integrates NVIDIA Broadcast and Canvas for easier content creation tasks.