新的研究表明,天王星的卫星可以支持生命,这促使美国宇航局(NASA)在未来执行一项任务。 New research indicates Uranus's moons could support life, prompting a future NASA mission.
新的研究表明,天王星及其卫星可能比以前认为的更有能力支持生命。 New research suggests that Uranus and its moons may be more capable of supporting life than previously believed. 1986 年美国宇航局 (NASA) 的旅行者 2 号任务(可能受到太阳风暴的影响)的数据可能误解了地球的环境。 Data from NASA's Voyager 2 mission in 1986, potentially affected by a solar storm, may have misinterpreted the planet's environment. 科学家们现在认为,天王星的卫星可能具有适合生命的地下海洋和条件,这促使美国宇航局计划在 10 年内更详细地探索该系统。 Scientists now think that Uranus's moons could have subsurface oceans and conditions suitable for life, prompting plans for a new NASA mission to explore the system in more detail in 10 years.