一名男子在印第安纳州被定罪,罪名是谋杀2017年在一次远足中失踪的两名少女。 A man was convicted in Indiana for the murder of two teenage girls who vanished during a hike in 2017.
印第安纳州陪审团判定一名男子谋杀了两名十几岁的女孩,她们于2017年在德尔菲的一次远足中失踪。 A jury in Indiana has convicted a man of murdering two teenage girls who vanished during a hike in Delphi in 2017. 受害人Liberty German,14和Abigail Williams,13在失踪后被发现。 The victims, Liberty German, 14, and Abigail Williams, 13, were found after their disappearance. 该案因其寒冷性质和随后进行的广泛调查,引起了全国的极大关注。 The case garnered significant national attention due to its chilling nature and the extensive investigation that followed. 被定罪人的身份尚未披露。 The identity of the convicted individual has not been disclosed.