马耳他法院规定,政府预算广告必须保留,在公众知情权与公正性之间保持平衡。 Maltese court rules government budget ads on PBS must stay, balancing public's right to know with impartiality.
一个马耳他法院驳回了民族主义党关于禁止在国家广播公司PBS上刊登与2025年预算有关的政府广告的请求。 A Maltese court rejected the Nationalist Party's request to ban government advertisements related to the 2025 budget on the national broadcaster, PBS. 该党辩称,广告有政治偏见,但法院裁定,虽然广告必须保持平衡,但公众有权被告知预算措施。 The party argued the ads were politically biased, but the court ruled that while ads must maintain balance, the public has a right to be informed about budget measures. 该决定强调,必须在政治公正与公众知情权之间取得平衡。 The decision underscores the need to balance political impartiality with the public's right to information.