Jose Feliz在波士顿Hyde公园被枪杀,Isaiah Smith嫌疑人在现场被捕。 Jose Feliz was shot and killed in Boston's Hyde Park; suspect Isaiah Smith was arrested at the scene.
星期五,28岁的何塞·阿尔贝托·费利兹 在波士顿海德公园被枪杀 On Friday, Jose Alberto Feliz, 28, was fatally shot in Hyde Park, Boston. 嫌疑人Isaiah Trevon Smith(28人)也在现场被捕,被控谋杀和火器罪。 The suspect, Isaiah Trevon Smith, also 28, was arrested at the scene and charged with murder and firearms offenses. 据信枪击不是随机的,两人都来自Hyde公园。 The shooting is not believed to be random, and both individuals are from Hyde Park. 调查仍在进行中,当局正在要求公众提供任何信息。 The investigation is ongoing, and authorities are asking for any information from the public. Smith定于星期二被传讯 Smith is set to be arraigned on Tuesday.