查谟和克什米尔首席部长恢复了向查谟的季节性迁移,重新开始了2020年暂停的施政传统。 Jammu and Kashmir's Chief Minister resumes seasonal move to Jammu, restarting a governance tradition paused in 2020.
查谟和克什米尔首席部长奥马尔·阿卜杜拉在查谟恢复了工作,这标志着该地区恢复了传统的季节性治理转变,即达尔巴尔运动。 Jammu and Kashmir's Chief Minister Omar Abdullah has resumed work in Jammu, marking a return to the region's traditional seasonal governance shift known as the Darbar Move. 这种做法于2020年因该流行病而停止,涉及将政府办公室迁至斯利那加和查谟之间。 The practice, halted in 2020 due to the pandemic, involves moving government offices between Srinagar and Jammu. 阿卜杜拉的访问是在从斯利那加出发的公路旅行之后进行的,此前能见度低导致他的航班被取消。 Abdullah's visit follows a road trip from Srinagar after poor visibility canceled his flight. 这一行动的目的是促进协作和满足区域需求,尽管有人质疑其效率。 The move aims to foster collaboration and address regional needs, though some question its efficiency. 阿卜杜拉还与官员会晤,讨论发展项目和旅游战略。 Abdullah also met with officials to discuss development projects and tourism strategies.