在马萨诸塞州桑威奇市一辆被烧毁的汽车中发现的人类遗骸;调查正在进行中。 Human remains found in a burned car in Sandwich, Massachusetts; investigation ongoing.
周一早上,在马萨诸塞州桑威奇市贵格会教堂路附近的一辆被烧毁的汽车内发现了人类遗骸。 Human remains were found inside a burned car near Quaker Meeting House Road in Sandwich, Massachusetts, on Monday morning. 这一发现是在 911 电话提醒当局发生汽车起火后发现的。 The discovery was made after a 911 call alerted authorities to a car fire. 开普和群岛地区检察官办公室确认了遗骸的存在,但尚未确认他们的身份。 The Cape & Islands District Attorney’s office confirmed the presence of the remains but has not identified them. 当局表示对公共安全没有威胁,调查正在进行中。 Authorities stated there is no threat to public safety and the investigation is ongoing.