4名青年男子在尼日利亚埃基提州举行葬礼时淹死在奥桑河。 Four young men drowned in the Osun River during a burial ceremony in Ekiti State, Nigeria.
4名青年男子在埃基提州Okemesi-Ekiti的Osun河游泳时淹死,当时正举行葬礼。 Four young men drowned while swimming in the Osun River in Okemesi-Ekiti, Ekiti State, during a burial ceremony. 2名当地人,年龄分别为23岁和25岁,2名来自拉各斯州。 Two were locals aged 23 and 25, and two were from Lagos State. 他们的尸体被找回并安置在停尸房。 Their bodies were recovered and placed in the morgue. 埃基提州警察正在调查这一事件,事件发生在河水没有溢水的接近干燥季节。 The Ekiti State Police are investigating the incident, which occurred during the near-dry season when the river was not overflowing.