Denzel Washington确认他将在"黑豹3号"中出演 他退休前的最后角色 Denzel Washington confirmed he will star in "Black Panther 3," his final acting role before retirement.
Denzel Washington证实他将在"黑豹3号"中出演, 导演Ryan Coogler为他写了个角色。 Denzel Washington confirmed he will star in "Black Panther 3," with director Ryan Coogler writing a role for him. 这将是华盛顿退休前最后的角色之一,这还包括扮演奥瑟洛和里尔国王。 This will be one of Washington's last acting roles before retirement, which also includes playing Othello and King Lear. 尽管有这项宣布,但Marvel制片厂尚未正式确认第三部专制电影。 Despite this announcement, Marvel Studios has not officially confirmed the third film in the franchise.