德里商业所有者在2021年每月收到外国帮派160多次勒索电话,警察查明11个团体。 Delhi business owners received over 160 extortion calls monthly from foreign gangs in 2021, with police identifying 11 groups.
2021年1月至10月,德里的工商业业主面临外国帮派约160次勒索电话,平均每日一次。 Business owners in Delhi faced around 160 extortion calls from foreign gangs between January and October 2021, averaging one call every other day. 目标包括建筑商、珠宝商和汽车展厅所有者。 Targets include builders, jewellers, and car showroom owners. 一些事件涉及枪击。 Some incidents involved shootings. 警方已查明11个帮派,包括劳伦斯·比什诺伊领导的团伙,并正在逮捕他们。 Police have identified 11 gangs, including those led by Lawrence Bishnoi, and are pursuing arrests.