澳大利亚育种地Santa Glen拍卖,提供2 945公顷具有农业和木材潜力的土地。 Australian breeder property Santa Glen to auction, offering 2,945 hectares with farming and timber potential.
Santa Glen是澳洲昆士兰州的2 945公顷育种地产, 预定于12月13日在布里斯班拍卖。 Santa Glen, a 2,945-hectare breeder property in Queensland, Australia, is set to auction on December 13 in Brisbane. 位于博因河谷的地产包括本地牧场、改良草地和每年约生产300轮干草。 Located in the Boyne Valley, the property features native pastures, improved grasses, and produces about 300 round bales of hay annually. 它包括新的围栏、两个牛场、一间三间卧室房,以及五个装备有太阳能泵的水井。 It includes new fencing, two cattle yards, a three-bedroom house, and water from five equipped bores with solar-powered pumps. 由于木材具有潜力,而且靠近销售场和肉制品,销售代理强调,在雨量充沛的紧闭地区,木材是一种优质育种财产。 With timber potential and proximity to saleyards and meatworks, marketing agents highlight it as a quality breeder property in a tightly held area with good rainfall.