Adobe在其库存照片服务中介绍AI,以修改和制作图像,确保合法使用和艺术家补偿。 Adobe introduces AI in its stock photo service to modify and create images, ensuring legal use and artist compensation.
Adobe在其库存摄影服务中引入了人工智能工具,允许用户根据图书馆修改或制作图像,同时补偿原创者。 Adobe has introduced AI tools in its stock photography service, allowing users to modify or create images based on its library while compensating original creators. 此举有助于Adobe与新的AI公司如OpenAI进行竞争。 This move helps Adobe compete with newer AI firms like OpenAI. AI工具确保合法和安全地使用图像,并支持艺术家的收入。 The AI tools ensure legal and safe use of images and support artists' earnings. Adobe的VP Matthew Smith强调,AI能增强而不是取代股票图像和创造性机会。 Adobe's VP Matthew Smith emphasized that AI enhances, rather than replaces, stock imagery and creative opportunities.