Kasthuri Shankar女演员在对Telugu社群的争议性言论引发愤怒之后躲藏起来。 Actress Kasthuri Shankar hides after controversial remarks about the Telugu community spark outrage.
Kasthuri Shankar女演员在对Telugu社区发表争议性言论后躲藏起来, 表示他们是为古代国王服务的贵族的后裔。 Actress Kasthuri Shankar has gone into hiding after making controversial remarks about the Telugu community, suggesting they were descendants of courtesans who served ancient kings. 这一声明引起了广泛的愤慨,导致多重法律申诉,她公开道歉。 This statement sparked widespread outrage, leading to multiple legal complaints and her issuance of a public apology. Kasthuri在马德拉斯高等法院申请了预先保释,声称她的评论被误解。 Kasthuri has applied for anticipatory bail in the Madras High Court, claiming her comments were misinterpreted. 由于她的电话被关掉,她目前下落不明。 Her whereabouts are currently unknown as her phone is switched off.