津巴布韦活动家因支持民主工作而逃离迫害, 获英国奖学金。 Zimbabwean activist granted UK scholarship after fleeing persecution for pro-democracy work.
津巴布韦活动家马孔博雷罗·哈鲁兹维什(Makomborero Haruzivishe)因其民主工作而面临严重迫害,他已获得英国肯特大学的奖学金。 Zimbabwean activist Makomborero Haruzivishe, who faced severe persecution for his pro-democracy work, has been granted a scholarship at the UK's University of Kent. Haruzivishe,32岁,于2022年逃离津巴布韦,并于2023年在联合王国获得难民身份。 Haruzivishe, 32, fled Zimbabwe in 2022 and was granted refugee status in the UK in 2023. 现在,他正在研究法律和政治,他的目标是成为世界级的律师,并最终返回津巴布韦,帮助改革其社会和经济制度。 Now studying law and politics, he aims to become a world-class lawyer and eventually return to Zimbabwe to help reform its social and economic systems. 该大学提供免收学费和奖学金,以帮助难民接受高等教育。 The university offers fee waivers and bursaries to help refugees access higher education.