一名来自休斯顿的8岁男孩在得克萨斯州格里梅斯县的ATV事故中死亡,另有两人受伤。 An 8-year-old boy from Houston died in an ATV accident in Grimes County, Texas, with two others injured.
来自休斯顿地区的一名8岁男孩于周日中午12:30左右在德克萨斯州格林斯县CR 208附近,在深森林轨迹的ATV事故中死亡。 执法部门正在调查这一事件。 An 8-year-old boy from the Houston area died in an ATV accident on Deep Forest Trail in Grimes County, Texas, near CR 208 on Sunday around 12:30 p.m. Law enforcement is investigating the incident. 另外两名儿童受伤,其中一名在得克萨斯儿童医院接受治疗。 Two other children were also injured, with one receiving treatment at Texas Children's Hospital. ATV至少有另外一名乘客,一名青少年,其状况尚不得而知。 The ATV had at least one other passenger, a teenager, whose condition is unknown.