研究表明,糖尿病药物Ozempic和Jardiance可显著降低中风幸存者的风险。 Study suggests diabetes meds Ozempic and Jardiance may significantly reduce risks in stroke survivors.
一项新的研究表明,通常用于治疗2型糖尿病或体重丧失的Ozempic(GLP-1)和Jardiance(SGLT2)等药物可能会降低中风幸存者心脏病发作、第二次中风和死亡的风险。 A new study suggests that medications like Ozempic (GLP-1) and Jardiance (SGLT2), typically used for treating Type 2 diabetes or weight loss, may lower the risk of heart attacks, second strokes, and death in stroke survivors. 研究人员发现,这些药物使7 000多名中风病人的死亡风险降低了74%,心脏病发作减少了84%,经常中风减少了67%。 Researchers found that these drugs reduced the risk of death by 74%, heart attacks by 84%, and recurrent strokes by 67% in over 7,000 stroke patients. 这些结果在美国心脏协会2024年科学会议上提出,被认为是初步的,需要进一步临床试验。 The findings, presented at the American Heart Association's Scientific Sessions 2024, are considered preliminary and require further clinical trials.