在Reston, VA发生一辆车撞车事故,星期天造成一名男子死亡,一名妇女重伤。 A single-car crash in Reston, VA, killed a man and critically injured a woman on Sunday.
星期天早上,在弗吉尼亚州里斯顿发生一辆车撞车事件,造成一名男子死亡,一名妇女受重伤。 A single-car crash in Reston, Virginia, on Sunday morning resulted in the death of a man and left a woman critically injured. 事件发生在NorthShore Drive和宪章橡树法院的交汇处。 The incident occurred at the intersection of North Shore Drive and Charter Oak Court. 两人都被送往医院;司机因伤势过重而死亡,而该妇女仍处于危急状态。 Both were taken to a hospital; the driver died from his injuries, while the woman remains in critical condition. NorthShore Drive被关闭数小时进行调查。 North Shore Drive was closed for several hours for the investigation.