研究人员在水中物体上发现明亮的灯光可以阻止大白鲨攻击。 Researchers find bright lights on objects in water can deter great white shark attacks.
麦克夸里大学的研究员劳拉·瑞安发现,照亮水中物体的底部能够通过改变其轮廓来阻止大白鲨鱼攻击。 Laura Ryan, a researcher at Macquarie University, has discovered that illuminating the underside of objects in water can deter great white sharks from attacking by altering their silhouette. 在南非500多小时测试海豹形诱饵的基础上,最亮的灯光证明最为有效,减少了鲨鱼事件。 Based on over 500 hours of testing seal-shaped decoys in South Africa, the brightest lights proved most effective, reducing shark incidents. 该队正在开发一个照明阵列原型,以保护冲浪者和游泳者。 The team is developing a lighting array prototype to protect surfers and swimmers. 调查结果表明,这一方法可能是防止鲨鱼攻击的非侵入性方法。 The findings suggest this method could be a non-invasive way to prevent shark attacks.