巴基斯坦国家棒球队赢得2024年阿拉伯古典迪拜比赛,击败阿联酋12-1。 Pakistan's national baseball team won the Arab Classic Dubai 2024, defeating the UAE 12-1.
巴基斯坦国家棒球队赢得2024年阿拉伯古典迪拜比赛,击败阿联酋12-1。 Pakistan's national baseball team won the Arab Classic Dubai 2024, defeating the UAE 12-1. 在与九个参加国举行的锦标赛中,该队始终不败。 The team stayed undefeated in the tournament with nine participating nations. 这次胜利标志着巴基斯坦的一项重大成就,突出了运动员的奉献精神和技能。 This victory marks a significant achievement for Pakistan, highlighting the athletes' dedication and skill. 巴基斯坦驻阿联酋大使向小组表示祝贺,指出获胜对于促进巴基斯坦参加各种体育运动的重要性。 The Pakistani Ambassador to the UAE congratulated the team, noting the win's importance in boosting Pakistan's presence in diverse sports.