LIXIL计划在亚洲扩展,侧重于可持续产品和整体住房解决方案。 LIXIL plans expansion in Asia, focusing on sustainable products and total housing solutions.
住房和水技术方面的全球领先者LIXIL在TOSTEM亚洲设计奖2024上展示了其扩展和创新计划。 LIXIL, a global leader in housing and water technology, showcased its plans for expansion and innovation at the TOSTEM Asia Design Awards 2024. 该公司的目标是增加在印度、印度尼西亚、泰国、越南和菲律宾等市场的存在,重点是利用生态友好型PremiAL R100窗口等产品的可持续性。 The company aims to grow its presence in markets like India, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, and the Philippines, focusing on sustainability with products like the eco-friendly PremiAL R100 window. LIXIL的战略包括加强其全球供应链,使其产品供应多样化,成为住房解决方案的全面提供者。 LIXIL's strategies include strengthening its global supply chain and diversifying its product offerings to become a total housing solutions provider. 荣获建筑杰出奖项,突出展示了在住宅设计中使用铝制品的情况。 The awards honored architectural excellence, highlighting the use of aluminum in residential designs.