尼日利亚夸拉州规定,公共职工必须登记或面临11月工资损失。 Kwara State, Nigeria, mandates public workers register or face loss of November pay.
尼日利亚夸拉邦政府规定,所有公共部门的工人必须向夸拉邦居民登记局登记。 The Kwara State Government in Nigeria has mandated that all public sector workers must register with the Kwara State Residents Registration Agency (KWSRRA). 没有有效登记号码的人不会领取11月的工资或奖金。 Those without a valid registration number will not receive their November salaries or bonuses. 该指令旨在建立一个全面数据库,以加强规划、资源管理和公共安全,从而提高透明度和加强问责制。 This directive aims to create a comprehensive database to enhance planning, resource management, and public safety, thereby increasing transparency and accountability.