Ericsson和阿联酋的电子和合作伙伴开发6G技术,目标是到2030年实现商业发射。 Ericsson and UAE's e& partner to develop 6G tech, targeting commercial launch by 2030.
Ericsson公司和阿联酋电子公司签署了一项谅解备忘录,在6G技术研究与开发方面进行合作。 Ericsson and UAE's e& have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to collaborate on 6G technology research and development. 该伙伴关系旨在通过探索关键的6G概念和使用案例来推进下一代移动网络。 The partnership aims to advance the next generation of mobile networks by exploring key 6G concepts and use cases. 6G将通过创新系统和网络将数字世界和实际世界合并,有望在2030年左右在商业上启动,从而在通信方面取得重大进展。 Expected to launch commercially around 2030, 6G promises significant advancements in communication by merging digital and physical worlds through innovative systems and networks.