驾驶员无视封闭标志,在NC省100英尺高的被损坏的I-40上跌倒,然后逃脱了伤势。 Driver escapes injury after ignoring closure signs, plunging 100 feet on damaged I-40 in NC.
西北卡罗来纳州一名司机无视道路关闭标志,在干谷脊附近I-40遭破坏的一段100英尺长的堤岸上倒塌,几乎逃脱重伤。 A driver in western North Carolina narrowly escaped serious injury after ignoring road closure signs and plunging down a 100-foot embankment on a damaged section of I-40 near Dry Gap Ridge. 事件发生在海伦飓风毁坏的一段公路上,紧急救援人员用绳索抢救司机,然后将司机空运到医院。 The incident occurred on a stretch of road damaged by Hurricane Helene, prompting emergency crews to use a rope rescue to save the driver, who was then airlifted to a hospital. 当局提醒旅行者注意道路封闭和安全屏障。 Authorities reminded travelers to heed road closures and safety barriers. I-40受影响部分仍关闭。 The affected part of I-40 remains closed.