丹麦的Maersk在巴基斯坦投资20亿美元, 重点是港口基础设施, Denmark's Maersk invests $2 billion in Pakistan, focusing on port infrastructure to boost trade.
巴基斯坦将接受丹麦航运巨头Maersk的20亿美元投资,10月签署了谅解备忘录。 Pakistan is set to receive a $2 billion investment from Danish shipping giant Maersk, with a memorandum of understanding signed in October. 与此同时,巴基斯坦和丹麦之间就贸易、气候变化和绿色技术等议题进行了更广泛的政治磋商。 This comes alongside broader political consultations between Pakistan and Denmark, covering topics like trade, climate change, and green technologies. 财政部长Muhammad Aurangzeb承诺支持APM终端在巴基斯坦的港口基础设施计划,该计划旨在促进区域贸易和经济增长。 Finance Minister Muhammad Aurangzeb pledged support for APM Terminals' port infrastructure plans in Pakistan, aimed at boosting regional trade and economic growth.