有线电视新闻网主持人Jim Jordan在致特朗普记录特别顾问的信中就动机问题向司法委员会主席Jim Jordan提问。 CNN anchor questions Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan on motives behind letter to special counsel on Trump records.
在CNN采访中, 众议院司法主席Jim Jordan在致律师Jack Smith的信中, 要求保存与前总统Donald Trump的起诉有关的记录时, 面临来自主持人Dana Bash的质疑。 During a CNN interview, House Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan faced questions from anchor Dana Bash about his letter to special counsel Jack Smith requesting the preservation of records related to former President Donald Trump's prosecution. Bash问,这一请求是否试图进行调查和报复。 Bash questioned if the request was an attempt at investigation and retribution. 她仍然对约旦的答复不满意,很快转而谈到司法部、边境安全和选举等其他议题。 She remained unsatisfied with Jordan's responses, quickly shifting to other topics like the DOJ, border security, and elections.