克里斯·马丁暂停了一场Coldplay音乐会 来帮助一个挣扎的年轻粉丝 在病毒传播的瞬间 Chris Martin paused a Coldplay concert to help a struggling young fan, in a moment that went viral.
在悉尼的Coldplay音乐会上, 一名前锋Chris Martin暂停表演, 帮助一名在人群中挣扎的男孩。 During a Coldplay concert in Sydney, frontman Chris Martin paused the performance to help a young boy who was struggling in the crowd. 马丁注意到这个男孩站立有困难, 并让他抬起舞台障碍物 进入一个更安全的地方。 Martin noticed the boy having trouble standing and had him lifted over stage barriers to a safer spot. 这段令人心动的时刻被记录在TikTok上, 得到粉丝的赞扬. The heartwarming moment was recorded and shared on TikTok, receiving praise from fans. 这发生在Coldplay的"音乐圈"巡回演出期间,该巡回演出于2022年3月开始,并将于2025年9月结束. This occurred during Coldplay's Music of the Spheres tour, which started in March 2022 and is set to conclude in September 2025.