加尔各答法院拒绝保释金融不当行为案件中的前医学院校长。 Calcutta court denies bail to former medical college principal in financial misconduct case.
加尔各答高等法院驳回了Sandip Ghosh在涉及R.G.的金融不当行为案件中提出的保释请求。 The Calcutta High Court has rejected Sandip Ghosh's bail request in a financial misconduct case involving R.G. Kar医学院。 Kar Medical College. 前校长Ghosh必须向下级法院寻求保释。 Ghosh, the former principal, must seek bail from a lower court. 中央调查局和执法局正在调查各种指控,包括操纵投标、走私医疗废物和出售不明尸体的器官。 The Central Bureau of Investigation and the Enforcement Directorate are investigating charges including tender manipulation, smuggling of medical waste, and selling organs from unidentified bodies. 其他四人,包括Ashish Pandey,也被拘留。 Four others, including Ashish Pandey, are also in custody.