在埃斯康迪多储藏设施烧毁的汽车中发现尸体;调查仍在进行。 Body found in burned-out car at storage facility in Escondido; investigation ongoing.
星期天早上,在加利福尼亚州埃斯康迪多的一家公共储藏设施发现一具尸体,尸体在一辆燃烧的现代轿车内。 A body was found inside a burning Hyundai sedan at a Public Storage facility in Escondido, California, on Sunday morning. 事件发生于上午10时左右,地点在Broyton路325号。 The incident occurred around 10 a.m. at 325 Brotherton Road. 当局正在调查火灾原因和人员死亡情况,现场有警察和消防调查员。 Authorities are investigating the cause of the fire and the person's death, with both police and fire investigators on the scene. 调查仍在进行中。 The investigation is ongoing.