成千上万的红衣摩托车手在大曼彻斯特的 M60 公路上绕行,向武装部队致敬。 Thousands of red-clad motorcyclists circle M60 in Greater Manchester to honor the Armed Forces.
11月10日, 成千上万身穿红衣的摩托车手在大曼彻斯特的M60高速公路上参加“红灯”活动, 纪念武装部队现任和前任成员。 On November 10th, thousands of motorcyclists dressed in red participated in the "Ring of Red" event around the M60 motorway in Greater Manchester to honor current and former members of the Armed Forces. 海伍德附近M62号公路上的Riders在Birch Services碰头,跑完一圈,返回了会议地点。 Riders met at Birch Services on the M62 near Heywood, completed a lap, and returned to the meeting point. 为减少交通中断,每隔一段时间释放较小的团体。 To reduce traffic disruptions, smaller groups were released at intervals. 这次活动展示了各种摩托车品牌,当地摄影师Phil Taylor在照片画廊拍摄了这一活动。 The event showcased a variety of motorcycle brands, and local photographer Phil Taylor captured the event in a photo gallery.