巴基斯坦信息部长批评前总理汗,谴责爆炸,并向诗人阿拉马·伊克巴尔致敬。 Pakistan's Info Minister criticizes ex-PM Khan, condemns explosion, and honors poet Allama Iqbal.
巴基斯坦新闻部长批评前总理伊姆兰·汗(Imran Khan)涉嫌带回恐怖分子, 同时谴责最近在奎达火车站发生的爆炸。 Pakistan's Information Minister criticized former PM Imran Khan for allegedly bringing back terrorists, while also condemning a recent Quetta railway station explosion. Tarar部长强调了Allama Iqbal自力更生的理念,并讨论了政府为降低通货膨胀和鼓励外国投资所作的努力。 Minister Tarar highlighted Allama Iqbal's philosophy of self-reliance and discussed government efforts to reduce inflation and encourage foreign investment. 巴基斯坦在巴基斯坦海军的阿扎尔·马哈茂德海军少将的领导下,在他的陵墓举行警卫换岗仪式,纪念伊克巴勒147岁生日,向国家诗人和哲学家致敬。 The country marked Iqbal's 147th birth anniversary with a guard change ceremony at his mausoleum, led by Rear Admiral Azhar Mahmood of the Pakistan Navy, honoring the national poet and philosopher.