柬埔寨主办年度筹款活动,支持柬埔寨儿童教育和打击贩运。 Nonprofit Creating Hope 4 Cambodia hosts annual fundraiser to support Cambodian children's education and combat trafficking.
" 创造希望4 " 柬埔寨在明尼苏达州罗切斯特举行了第15届年度筹款活动,旨在筹集22 000美元,支持100名柬埔寨儿童教育和防止人口贩运。 Creating Hope 4 Cambodia held its 15th annual fundraiser in Rochester, Minnesota, aiming to raise $22,000 to support 100 Cambodian children's education and prevent human trafficking. 这次活动在基督社区教会举行,展出了15家小企业和100多个组织的手工艺品和食品销售。 The event, held at Christ Community Church, featured crafts and food sales from over 15 small businesses and 100 organizations. 该团体成立于2008年,已募集超过150 000美元,帮助数百名儿童留在学校。 Founded in 2008, the group has raised over $150,000, helping hundreds of children stay in school.