明尼苏达州NR通过网上拍卖出售六处房产,以完善财产和资助教育。 Minnesota DNR sells six properties via online auction to refine holdings and fund education.
明尼苏达州自然资源部(DNR)通过在MNBid.mn.gov的网上拍卖出售6块国有土地,包括农村和湖岸地产,直至11月21日。 The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is selling six state lands, including rural and lakeshore properties, through an online auction at MNBid.mn.gov until November 21. 这笔出售通过向永久学校基金捐款,帮助国家自然资源局完善其土地持有情况,并履行其对K-12公共教育的财政义务。 This sale helps the DNR refine its land holdings and fulfill its financial duty to K-12 public education by contributing to the Permanent School Fund. 感兴趣的投标人需要在网站上登记,以便参与。 Interested bidders need to register on the website to participate.