Wwrcestershire的一所中等偏僻的房屋以9000英镑出售,这是该地区最便宜的售价。 A mid-terraced house in Worcestershire is for sale at £9,000, the area's cheapest listing.
在Worcestershire最廉价出售的房屋,9 000英镑上市,是位于Stourport-On-Severn的Gilgal的一座中梯式砖房。 The cheapest home for sale in Worcestershire, listed at £9,000, is a mid-terraced brick house in Gilgal, Stourport-On-Severn. 可通过BP对Zoopla的拍卖获得的财产包括一个走廊、厨房、一楼休息室和二楼两间卧室和一间浴室。 The property, available through BP Auction on Zoopla, includes a hallway, kitchen, lounge on the ground floor, and two bedrooms with a bathroom on the second floor. 其特点包括UPVC双层玻璃和燃气中央供暖。 Features include UPVC double glazing and gas-fired central heating. 它位于Worcester路和Minster路附近,离Severn的Stourport-on-Severn主要购物区约12英里。 It is located off Worcester Road and Minster Road, about 12 miles from Stourport-on-Severn's main shopping area.