Matrix Service 的收益和收入低于预期,但其股价一度飙升至 13.01 美元。 Matrix Service's earnings and revenue fell short of expectations, yet its stock briefly surged to $13.01.
工程和建筑公司Matrix Service的季度收入低于预期. Matrix Service, an engineering and construction firm for energy and industrial projects, reported lower-than-expected earnings and revenue for the quarter. 该公司的股票短暂增加,达到13.01美元,市值总额为3.5843亿美元。 The company's stock briefly increased, reaching $13.01, with a total market value of $358.43 million. 尽管StockNews.com将“购买”从“购买”降为“持有”,但DA Davidson仍维持了“购买”评级,目标价格为18美元。 Despite a downgrade from "buy" to "hold" by, DA Davidson maintained a "buy" rating with a target price of $18.00.