LanzaTech的Q3 2024收入略低于预期,但收入却不足;该公司正集中精力开发自己的项目。 LanzaTech's Q3 2024 earnings narrowly beat expectations, but revenue fell short; the company is focusing on developing its own projects.
LanzaTech Global,一家碳提炼公司,报告有3 2024个Q3混合收入,其EPS为 - 0.000029美元,超过预期,但收入低于990万美元。 LanzaTech Global, a carbon refining company, reported mixed Q3 2024 earnings, with an EPS of -$0.00029 exceeding expectations but revenue falling short at $9.9 million. 该公司正在改变其业务模式,开发自己的项目,以更好地控制和获利。 The company is shifting its business model to develop its own projects for better control and profitability. 首席执行官Jennifer Holmgren博士重点介绍了在挪威规划的项目以及与中东奥拉扬集团的合资企业。 CEO Dr. Jennifer Holmgren highlighted planned projects in Norway and a joint venture with the Olayan Group in the Middle East.