现代公司揭晓了有650公里射程的氢汽车,在澳大利亚面临加油站稀缺问题。 Hyundai unveils hydrogen car with 650km range, faces refueling station scarcity in Australia.
现代已经揭晓了Initium, 一种氢燃料电池电动车, 在加油之间有650公里的距离。 Hyundai has unveiled the Initium, a hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicle with a 650km range between refuels. 然而,由于澳大利亚缺乏氢燃料加油站,目前只有12个加油站,汽车的采用目前受到限制。 However, the car's adoption is currently limited by the scarcity of hydrogen refueling stations in Australia, with only 12 available. 现代计划扩大氢基础设施,以支持2025年初发射的 " Initium " 号,目的是在建立更多的加油点后,超越其Nexo模型的成功。 Hyundai plans to expand hydrogen infrastructure to support the Initium's launch in early 2025, aiming to surpass the success of its Nexo model as more refueling sites are established.