在马里兰州克林顿发生一场房屋火灾,周六晚上造成7人流离失所,其中包括两名儿童。 A house fire in Clinton, Maryland, displaced seven people, including two children, on Saturday night.
马里兰州克林顿发生房屋火灾,周六晚上造成七人流离失所。 A house fire in Clinton, Maryland, displaced seven people on Saturday night. 火灾从外面开始,蔓延到家中,5名成人和2名儿童受到影响。 The fire, which started outside and spread into the home, affected five adults and two children. 乔治王子县消防和 EMS 部门对 Killarney St 6500 街区的事件做出了回应。 The Prince George's County Fire and EMS Department responded to the incident in the 6500 block of Killarney St.