45岁以下的黑人和拉丁裔男子在2024年的选举中更偏爱特朗普,并受到经济承诺的左右。 Black and Latino men under 45 favored Trump more in the 2024 election, swayed by economic promises.
在最近的美国大选中,年轻的黑人和拉丁裔男子投票支持唐纳德·特朗普的人数比2020年要多,这受到经济政策和预期就业机会的驱动。 In the recent US election, young Black and Latino men voted for Donald Trump in larger numbers than in 2020, driven by economic policies and perceived job opportunities. 大约30%的45岁以下黑人男子投票支持特朗普,是2020年的两倍。 About 30% of Black men under 45 voted for Trump, double his 2020 share. 拉丁美洲青年男子也显示出更多的支持。 Young Latino men also showed increased support. 尽管特朗普执政时期取得了经济进步,但许多人亲身感受到了改善。 Despite economic progress under Trump, many felt the improvements personally. 对于这些选民来说,经济和就业是首要问题。 The economy and jobs were the top issues for these voters. LULAC的Juanaño指出,Trump的经济信息与拉丁裔选民产生共鸣。 Juan Proaño of LULAC noted that Trump's economic messaging resonated with Latino voters.