Bella 是美国排名靠前的狗名,Charlie、Cooper、Max 和 Daisy 位列前五名。 Bella is the top U.S. dog name, with Charlie, Cooper, Max, and Daisy rounding out the top five.
Bella是美国最受欢迎的狗名, 由大约5%的狗共享, 其次是查理、库珀、麦克斯和黛西。 Bella is the most popular dog name in the U.S., shared by about 5% of dogs, followed by Charlie, Cooper, Max, and Daisy. 美国新闻和世界报告的一项研究分析了宠物保险数据,发现这些名称在几个州名列前茅,反映出狗使用更传统的人类名称的趋势。 A study by U.S. News & World Report analyzed pet insurance data and found these names top the list in several states, reflecting a trend toward using more traditional human names for dogs. 报告还指出,以神话人物命名狗的趋势在增加。 The report also noted an increasing trend of naming dogs after mythological characters.