孟加拉国陆军参谋长在达卡会见了首席顾问,讨论安全和治理问题。 Bangladesh's Army Chief met the Chief Adviser in Dhaka, discussing security and governance.
孟加拉国陆军总参谋长Waker-uz-Zaman将军在达卡的办公室会见了首席顾问Muhammad Yunus。 The Army Chief of Bangladesh, General Waker-uz-Zaman, met with Chief Adviser Muhammad Yunus at his office in Dhaka. 这是他们上次于10月26日进行讨论之后,最近几周举行的第二次会议。 This is their second meeting in recent weeks, following their previous discussion on October 26. 会议可能涉及该国的安全和治理问题,陆军参谋长向首席顾问通报军事活动情况并接受指示。 The meeting likely covered the country's security and governance issues, with the Army Chief briefing the Chief Adviser on military activities and receiving directives.