一名普拉特县妇女不会因枪杀约书亚·欣德利特(Joshua Hindliter)而被起诉。 A Platte County woman won't be charged for fatally shooting Joshua Hinderliter, deemed justified.
一名普拉特县妇女不会因枪杀约书亚·欣德利特(Joshua Hindliter)而面临指控。 约书亚·欣德利特(Joshua Hindliter)于9月18日在其财产上表现出反复无常的行为。 A Platte County woman will not face charges for fatally shooting Joshua Hinderliter, who exhibited erratic behavior on her property on September 18. 在试图骑一匹小马和破坏一扇大门之后,Hinderliter不顾警告而走近她的家。 After attempting to ride a pony and damaging a gate, Hinderliter approached her home despite warnings. 由于担心她和孩子的安全,该名妇女取回了一把枪,在他前进时向他开枪。 Fearing for her safety and that of her child, the woman retrieved a gun and shot him as he advanced. 检察官认为她的行为是合理的武力使用,因为 Hinderliter 构成了威胁。 Prosecutors deemed her actions a justified use of force, as Hinderliter posed a threat.