印度自2021年以来开展的清洁运动产生了2,364亿卢比,从2024年10月起产生了650亿卢比。 India's cleanliness campaigns since 2021 have generated ₹2,364 crores, with ₹650 crores from October 2024.
Union Minister Jitendra Singh宣布,印度政府自2021年以来的特别清洁运动已经从废料处理中产生了2,364卢比。 Union Minister Jitendra Singh announced that the Indian government's special cleanliness campaigns since 2021 have generated ₹2,364 crores from scrap disposal. 最新的活动,即2024年10月举行的"特别活动4.0", 筹集了超过650亿卢比, 覆盖了5.97万个地点, 释放了190万平方英尺用于办公室使用. The latest initiative, Special Campaign 4.0, held in October 2024, yielded over ₹650 crores and covered 5.97 lakh sites, freeing up 190 lakh square feet for office use. 与2023年相比,今年的活动增加了136%,评价阶段始于11月14日。 This year's campaign saw a 136% increase in sites compared to 2023, with an evaluation phase starting on November 14.