Groupe Dynamite Inc. 向IPO提供档案,以便在多伦多证券交易所扩张时将其列入名单。 Groupe Dynamite Inc. files for an IPO to list on the Toronto Stock Exchange as it expands.
设在蒙特利尔的Groupe Dynamite Inc.,停车场和火药零售连锁店的业主,已经提交了一个IPO在多伦多证券交易所上市的初步计划书。 Montreal-based Groupe Dynamite Inc., owner of the Garage and Dynamite retail chains, has filed a preliminary prospectus for an IPO to list on the Toronto Stock Exchange. 该公司在加拿大和美国约有300家商店,自2022年以来主要在美国扩张,它打算进一步增长,并正在探索进入像英国这样的市场。 With around 300 stores in Canada and the U.S., primarily expanding in the U.S. since 2022, the company aims to grow further and is exploring entry into markets like the U.K. IPO由主要金融公司承保,但股票和定价的细节尚未确定。 The IPO is underwritten by major financial firms, but details on shares and pricing are yet to be determined.