在Jaime Harrison退出后,国民议会寻求在3月1日前任命新的主席,领导2028年的提名进程。 The DNC seeks a new chair by March 1 to lead the 2028 nominating process after Jaime Harrison's exit.
民主全国委员会正在寻找新的主席,因为现任主席Jaime Harrison将不再寻求连任。 The Democratic National Committee (DNC) is looking for a new chair as current chairman Jaime Harrison will not seek a second term. 将于3月1日前选举的新主席将监督2028年的提名进程,并处理前几次选举所面临的挑战。 The new chair, to be elected by March 1, will oversee the 2028 nominating process and address challenges faced in previous elections. 正在审议的候选人包括肯塔基州州长Andy Beshear和Stacey Abrams等著名人物。 Candidates under consideration include prominent figures like Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear and Stacey Abrams. 计划于12月中旬举行一次最高层民主人士会议,讨论候选人和战略。 A meeting of top Democrats is planned for mid-December to discuss candidates and strategies.