Davey Boy Smith Jr. 将于 1 月离开全日本职业摔跤,而 Ricky Starks 确认了他的 AEW 合同。 Davey Boy Smith Jr. will leave All Japan Pro Wrestling in January, while Ricky Starks confirms his AEW contract.
Davey Boy Smith Jr.宣布,他与全日本职业摔跤协会的合同将于1月结束,促使他返回卡尔加里续签签证。 Davey Boy Smith Jr. announced that his contract with All Japan Pro Wrestling will conclude in January, prompting a return to Calgary for visa renewal. 与此同时,AEW摔跤手Ricky Starks证实,尽管最近出现在Glory Pro Wrestling,他仍与AEW保持合同关系。 Meanwhile, AEW wrestler Ricky Starks confirmed he remains under contract with AEW despite a recent appearance at Glory Pro Wrestling. Starks准备在11月24日面对Kody Lane的头衔, 并对返回他以前居住和培训过的圣路易斯表示兴奋。 Starks is set to face Kody Lane for the title on November 24 and expressed excitement about returning to St. Louis, where he previously lived and trained.