由凯特·布兰切特 (Cate Blanchett) 主演的 Apple TV+ 迷你剧《免责声明》以最后一集结束。 The Apple TV+ miniseries "Disclaimer," starring Cate Blanchett, concludes with its final episode.
由凯特·布兰切特 (Cate Blanchett) 主演的 Apple TV+ 迷你剧《免责声明》的最后一集将于周五播出。 The Apple TV+ miniseries "Disclaimer," starring Cate Blanchett, concludes with its final episode airing Friday. 剧情讲述了凯瑟琳收到一本书,威胁要透露她的秘密,并得到了包括凯文·克莱恩和萨沙·巴伦·科恩在内的演员阵容的支持。 The plot follows Catherine, who receives a book threatening to reveal her secrets, supported by an ensemble cast including Kevin Kline and Sacha Baron Cohen. 作曲家 FINNEAS 为每个角色精心制作了独特的旋律,灵感来自编剧兼导演阿方索·卡隆 (Alfonso Cuarón) 的彩色编码剧本,通过旁白和音乐增强了情感深度。 Composer FINNEAS crafted unique melodies for each character, inspired by writer and director Alfonso Cuarón's color-coded scripts, enhancing the emotional depth through narration and music.