田纳西州Murfreesboro发生九次车祸,导致五人住院,伤势不致命。 A nine-vehicle crash in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, hospitalized five people with non-life-threatening injuries.
星期四上午在田纳西州Murfreesboro东北布罗德街和南教堂街交叉处发生九次汽车撞车事故。 A nine-vehicle crash occurred Thursday morning at the intersection of Northeast Broad Street and South Church Street in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. 这一事件一开始是后端碰撞,导致5人住院,伤势不致命。 The incident started as a rear-end collision, resulting in five individuals being hospitalized with non-life-threatening injuries. 起初,所有车道都被封锁,但此后道路又重新开放。 Initially, all lanes were blocked, but the road has since reopened. Murfreesboro警察局正在调查这一事件,并建议司机在繁忙的公路上持谨慎态度。 The Murfreesboro Police Department is investigating the incident and advises drivers to practice caution on busy roads.