密歇根州囚犯Jihaad Ahmad 36岁 被控向Whitmer州长发送炸弹威胁 Michigan inmate Jihaad Ahmad, 36, is charged with sending a bomb threat to Governor Whitmer.
密歇根州36岁的囚犯Jihaad Ahmad因据称于2024年5月向总督Gretchen Whitmer发出恐吓信而被传讯。 Jihaad Ahmad, a 36-year-old inmate in Michigan, has been arraigned for allegedly sending a threatening letter to Governor Gretchen Whitmer in May 2024. 该信包括威胁在拒绝假释后轰炸她家。 The letter included threats to bomb her home following his denial of parole. Ahmad面临虚假报告或恐怖主义威胁的指控,这可能导致长达20年的监禁和20 000美元的罚款(如果定罪)。 Ahmad faces charges of false report or threat of terrorism, which could result in up to 20 years in prison and a $20,000 fine if convicted. 他计划于11月14日出庭。 He is scheduled for a court appearance on November 14.