Averett大学因财政困难中止了五个课程的入学,但现有学生可以毕业。 Averett University halts enrollment in five programs due to financial difficulties, but current students can graduate.
由于资源有限,Averett大学将停止四个本科生课程(艺术、化学、数学、现代语言和宗教)和一个研究生课程(刑事司法)的新入学。 Averett University will stop new enrollment in four undergraduate programs—Art, Chemistry, Math, and Modern Languages and Religion—and one graduate program, Criminal Justice, due to limited resources. 目前的学生仍然可以完成他们的学位。 Current students can still finish their degrees. 这一决定是在财政困难,包括工作人员休假之后作出的。 This decision follows financial difficulties, including staff furloughs. 该大学还正在重新评估其音乐和戏剧课程,以创建联合表演艺术专业,目的是建立重点更加突出的学术结构。 The university is also reassessing its music and theater programs to create a combined performing arts major, aiming for a more focused academic structure.